Iris Radev, M.D.
6 min readSep 26, 2020


Much has been written about how to uncover your purpose. There are a number of ways to do this, for sure.

For our meaningful living purposes, I’d like to show you a different way, a way that is rooted in your Core Self and its Core Values.

Fundamental to finding out what you are meant to do in this life is figuring out the foundation on which it is built: your Core Self.

Without doing this, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to be something you’re not, which becomes a fast track way to feeling burned out, lost, and inauthentic.

That’s why I highly recommend doing the foundational work of starting from the source, which is your Core Self.

You come to this world with a Core Self. It is your highest self, part of an integrated whole that is in harmony with the Core Source and its creations.

The Core Source is known by many names: God, The Universe, The Divine, The Force, The Creator, The Creative Force, etc. The names don’t really matter. It’s the essence and what it stands for that matters.

Even if you are an atheist or agnostic, I think you’ll agree with me on the existence of human potential and creativity.

This, at its essence, is reflective of the nature of the Core Source.

Your Core Self is simply that essence that resides at your core, with its limitless potential for creativity.

So, this Core Self, the highest version of you, comes to this world with its own limitless potential for creativity and its own unique personality, set of genetics, likes and dislikes, characteristics, and natural talents/skills.

The countless statistical combinations that can result from all these factors make you and every other person truly unique at the Core Self level!

As your Core Self goes through life, it begins to encounter circumstances that essentially become your life experiences.

This combination of your Core Self and its life experiences gives birth to your unique and individual Core Values, which is a product of how you’ve experienced the many circumstances that have happened to your Core Self’s life.

These Core Values represent the identity of your Core Self: what you stand for, what you value, what your aversions are, the principles you firmly believe in and will fight to the death for, etc.

And these Core Values become all the more defined the longer you go through life, because a pattern starts to develop as you encounter more life experiences: the things you hold valuable become more and more evident.

And in the same way, the things you are averse to become clearer.

For example, if one of your Core Values is Trust, you will be quite averse to any relationship that violates this Core Value.

Much as, in the same way, you’ll gravitate towards people or events that will allow this Core Value to thrive.

This pattern will keep repeating itself throughout your life like a recurrent theme. The Core Value of Trust will keep coming out.

It helps give clarity about who your Core Self is.

As another example, one of your Core Values may be Independence, which then makes you more naturally inclined to thrive in situations or relationships that allow you to experience this Core Value.

So having a clingy spouse may not make you happy, but having one who understands the importance of this Core Value will be a better fit for you.

Or you may highly value having Time Freedom. And so, being tied down to a job with a boss and having long and inflexible work hours may make you feel miserable. And having the ability to work from anywhere with shorter hours and on your terms will be highly appealing to you.

Every person will have a unique combination of these Core Values. Some values will be higher up on your list, and others will be further down.

You can just imagine how uniquely different each individual is, based on the combination of their unique Core Selves, their life experiences, and their Core Values.

Just think about it: what are the chances that someone else will have exactly the same personality, and possess the exact same proportion of natural talents and skills, and have exactly the same life experiences, and more so, the exact same reactions to them as you do and hence share the same Core Values?

An extremely slim chance, if any!

Even identical twins will have varying experiences in the exact same situation, even if they share many similarities.

For one, their personalities and temperaments won’t exactly be the same.

Add to that all the layers of experiences and interactions they’ve had in their individual lives, and what you’ve got are two people who are as vastly different at their core as any two people who are totally unrelated genetically.

And because your Core Purpose is an intersect of a number of factors, two of which are your Core Self and Core Values, you can see now how unique a person’s purpose is to that person because of the uniqueness of their Core Selves and Core Values!

And so, even if you feel like another person may have a similar purpose as yours, theirs will never really be the same as yours to the letter, because no two personalities will have exactly the same Core Selves and the same Core Values and life experiences and hence the same Core Purpose.

This is why it’s vital for you to figure out who your Core Self is and what your Core Values are to help you uncover your Core Purpose.

Identifying the components that make up these two things will help you pinpoint your purpose with clarity and make you realize just how exclusive your Core Purpose is to you.

And it takes time to do this, so don’t feel like you have to figure out who your Core Self is and what your Core Values are all at once.

It’s hard to uncover it without doing some heavy-duty introspection.

Without digging deep within your core.

You’ll need to be willing to become vulnerable and know and accept yourself fully, so you can uncover it.

And I help individuals navigate the purpose-uncovering journey by helping them uncover their Core Selves and Core Values, so they can pinpoint their Core Purpose with clarity. To find out more about the program, just click the link: Executive Identity Program.

Excerpt from the book: Meaningful Success Principles: Live With Purpose, Harmony, And Mindfulness, by Iris Radev, M.D.

Book is available in eBook format at a discounted rate HERE.

Also available on paperback via Amazon.

Originally published at



Iris Radev, M.D.

Physician, Content Creator, Author, and Social Entrepreneur.🌟 Iris finds great happiness in helping others experience purposeful-living, harmony, and abundance